Es profesor investigador de la División de Administración Pública y miembro del Programa de Política de Drogas del CIDE-Región Centro. Es miembro también del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel II. El Dr. Alarid-Escudero tiene una larga trayectoria en la investigación y desarrollo de modelos de decisión utilizados en prevención, control y tratamiento de distintas enfermedades crónicas e infecciosas.
Fung H, Martinez L, Alarid-Escudero F, Salomon JA, Studdert DM, Andrews JA, Goldhaber- Fiebert JD, SC-COSMO Modeling Group. The household secondary attack rate of SARS-CoV-2: A rapid review. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2020 (Online First).
Alarid-Escudero F∗, Kuntz KM. Potential bias associated with modeling the effectiveness of healthcare interventions in reducing mortality using an overall hazard ratio. PharmacoEconomics, 2020; 38(3):285-296. Download accompanying dshr R package here.
Kunst NR, Alarid-Escudero F, Aas E, Coupé VMH, Schrag D, Kuntz KM. Estimating population based recurrence rates of colorectal cancer over time in the United States. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2020;29(12):2710-2718.
Peterse, EFP, Meester, RGS, Jonge, LDe, Omidvari, A-H, Alarid-Escudero F, Knudsen, AB, Za- uber, AG, Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I. Comparing the cost-effectiveness of innovative colorectal cancer screening tests. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2020;112(2):1-8.
Huang RJ, Koh H, Hwang JH, Abnet CC, Alarid-Escudero F, Amieva MR, Bruce MG, Camargo MC, Chan AT, Choi IJ, Corvalan A, Davis JL, Deapen D, Epplein M, Greenwald DA, Hamashima C, Hur C, Inadomi JM, Ji HP, Jung HY, Lee E, Lin B, Palaniappan LP, Parsonnet J, Peek RM, Piazuelo MB, Rabkin CS, Shah SC, Smith A, So S, Stoffel EM, Umar A, Wilson KT, Woo Y, Yeoh K. A Summary of the 2020 Gastric Cancer Summit at Stanford University. Gastroenterology, 2020;159(4):1221- 1226.
Sosa-Rubí, S., Contreras-Loya, D., Pedraza-Arizmendi, D., Chivardi-Moreno, C., Alarid-Escudero, F., López-Ridaura, R., Serván-Mori, E., Molina-Cuevas, V., Casales, G., Espinos-López, C., González- Roldán, J. F., Silva-Tinoco, R., Seiglie, J., & Gómez-Dantés, O. (2020). Cost-effectiveness analysisof a multidisciplinary health-care model for patients with type-2 diabetes implemented in the public sector in Mexico: A quasi-experimental, retrospective evaluation. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2020;167(108336):1-8.
Krijkamp E†, Alarid-Escudero F†∗, Enns EA, Pechlivanoglou P, Hunink MGM, Yang A, Jalal H. A Multidimensional Array Representation of State-transition Model Dynamics Medical Decision Making, 2020;40(2):242-248. The accompanying R code can be downloaded here.
Holt HK, Kulasingam S, Sanstead EC, Alarid-Escudero F, Smith-McCune K, Gregorich SE, Sil- verberg M, Huchko MJ, Kuppermann M, Sawaya G Discussing Cervical Cancer Screening Options: Outcomes to Guide Conversations Between Patients and Providers. Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice, 2020;5(2):1-7.
Kunst NR, Wilson E, Glynn D, Alarid-Escudero F, Baio G, Brennan A, Fairley M, Goldhaber- Fiebert JD, Jackson C, Jalal H, Menzies N, Strong M, Thom H, Heath A, on behalf of theCollabora- tive Network for Value of Information (ConVOI). Computing the Expected Value of Sample Information Efficiently: Practical Guidance and Recommendations for Four Model-Based Methods. Value in Health, 2020;23(6):734-742. Access preprint.
Heath A, Kunst NR, Jackson C, Strong M, Alarid-Escudero F, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Baio G, Menzies N, Jalal H. Calculating the Expected Value of Sample Information in Practice: Considerations from Three Case Studies. Medical Decision Making, 2020;40(3):314-326. Access preprint.
Burger EQ, de Kok IMCM, Groene E, Killen J, Canfell C, Kulasingam S, Kuntz KM, Matthijsse S, Regan C, Simms K, Sy S, Alarid-Escudero F, Vaidyanathan V, van Ballegooijen M, Kim JJ. Estimating the Natural History of Cervical Carcinogenesis Using Simulation Models: A CISNET Comparative Analysis. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2020;112(9):955-963.
Alarid-Escudero F∗, Krijkamp E, Pechlivanoglou P, Jalal H, Kao SY, Yang A, Enns EA. A need for change! A coding framework for improving transparency in decision modeling. PharmacoEconomics, 2019;37(11):1329-1339. The coding template is implemented in the R package darthpack.
Attanasio LB, Alarid-Escudero F, Kozhimannil KB. Midwife-led care and obstetrician-led care for low-risk pregnancies: A cost comparison Birth, 2019;47(1):57-66.
Alarid-Escudero F∗, Enns EA, Kuntz KM, Michaud TL, Jalal H. “Time Traveling Is Just Too Dangerous" But Some Methods Are Worth Revisiting: The Advantages of Expected Loss Curves Over Cost-Effectiveness Acceptability Curves and Frontier. Value in Health, 2019;22(5):611-618. Use these methods with the R package dampack.
Sawaya G, Sanstead E, Alarid-Escudero F, Smith-McCune K, Gregorich SE, Silverberg M, Leyden W, Huchko MJ, Kuppermann M, Kulasingam S Estimated Quality of Life and Economic Outcomes Associated With 12 Cervical Cancer Screening Strategies: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis. JAMA Internal Medicine, 2019;179(7):867-878.
Kunst N, Alarid-Escudero F, Paltiel D, Wang SY. A value of information analysis of research on the 21-gene assay for breast cancer management. Value in Health, 2019;22(10):1102-1110.
Jutkowitz E, Alarid-Escudero F∗, Kuntz KM, Jalal H. The Curve of Optimal Sample Size (COSS): a Graphical Representation of the Optimal Sample Size from a Value of Information Analysis. PharmacoEconomics, 2019;37(7):871-877. Download code here.
Sathianathen NJ, Alarid-Escudero F, Kuntz KM, Lawrentschuk NL, Bolton DM, Murphy DG, Kim SP, Konety BR. A Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Systemic Therapy for Metastatic Hormonesensitive Prostate Cancer. European Urology Oncology, 2019;2(6):649-755. Download code here.
Sathianathen NJ, Konety BR, Alarid-Escudero F, Lawrentschuk NL, Bolton DM, Murphy DG, Weight CJ, Kuntz KM. Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Active Surveillance Strategies for Men with Low-risk Prostate Cancer. European Urology, 2019;75(6):910-917.
Alarid-Escudero F∗, MacLehose RF, Peralta Y, Kuntz KM, Enns EA. Non-identifiability in model calibration and implications to medical decision making. Medical Decision Making, 2018;38(7):810- 21.
Easterly CA, Alarid-Escudero F∗, Enns EA, Kulasingam S. Revisiting Assumptions about Age-Based Mixing Representations in Mathematical Models of Sexually Transmitted Infections. Vaccine, 2018;36(37):5572-5579. Download code here.
Alarid-Escudero F∗, Enns EA, MacLehose R, Parsonnet J, Torres J, Kuntz KM. Force of infection of H. pylori in Mexico: Evidence from a national survey using a hierarchical Bayesian model. Epidemiology and Infection, 2018;146(8):961-9.
Sathianathen NJ, Kuntz KM, Alarid-Escudero F, Lawrentschuk NL, Bolton DM, Murphy DG, Weight CJ, Konety BR. Incorporating biomarkers into the primary prostate biopsy setting: a cost- effectiveness analysis. The Journal of Urology, 2018;200(6):1215-1220.
Krijkamp EM, Alarid-Escudero F, Enns EA, Jalal H, Hunink MGM, Pechlivanoglou P. Microsimulation modeling for health decision sciences using R: A tutorial. Medical Decision Making, 2018;38(3):400- 422. Download code here.
Jalal H, Alarid-Escudero F. A Gaussian Approximation Approach for Value of Information Analysis. Medical Decision Making, 2018;38(2):174-188. Download code here.
Jutkowitz E, Alarid-Escudero F, Choi HK, Kuntz KM, Jalal H. Prioritizing Future Research on Allopurinol and Febuxostat for the Management of Gout: Value of Information Analysis. PharmacoEconomics, 2017;35(10):1073-1085.
Alarid-Escudero F∗, Blaes A, Kuntz KM. Trade-offs between efficacy and cardiac toxicity of adjuvant chemotherapy in early-stage breast cancer patients: Do competing risks matter? The Breast Journal, 2017;23(4):401-9.
Jalal H, Pechlivanoglou P, Krijkamp E, Alarid-Escudero F, Enns EA, Hunink, MGM. An Overview of R in Health Decision Sciences. Medical Decision Making, 2017;37(7):735-746.
Drake C, Higuera L, Alarid-Escudero F, Feldman R. A kinked health insurance market: Employer-sponsored insurance under the Cadillac tax. American Journal of Health Economics, 2017;3(4):455-76. Available at SSRN:
Kozhimannil KB, Hardeman RR, Alarid-Escudero F, Vogelsang C, Blauer-Peterson C, Howell EA. Modeling the cost-effectiveness of doula care for reducing preterm birth and cesarean delivery. Birth. 2016;43(1):20-27.
Alarid-Escudero F, Sosa-Rubí SG, Fernández B, Galárraga O. Cost-benefit analysis: HIV/AIDS prevention in migrants in Central America. Salud Pública de México. 2013;55(S1):S23-30.
Alarid-Escudero F, Solís-Escalante T., Melgar E., Valdés-Cristerna R., Yánez-Suárez O. Registro de seńales de EEG para aplicaciones de interfaz cerebro computadora (ICC) basado en Potenciales Evocados Visuales de Estado Estacionario (PEVEE). CLAIB 2007 IFMBE Proceedings, 2007;18:87– 90.
Alarid-Escudero F, Gracia V, Luviano A, Peralta Y, Reitsma MB, Claypool AL, Salomon JA, Studdert DM, Andrews, JR, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, SC-COSMO Modeling Consortium. How do Covid-19 policy options depend on end-of-year holiday contacts in Mexico City Metropolitan Area? A Modeling Study. medRxiv 2020.12.21.20248597. 2020.
Lopez Mendez M, Ospina Escobar AM, Iskandar R, Alarid-Escudero F. Age-Specific Rates of Onset of Cannabis Use in Mexico. medRxiv 2020.11.30.20241463. 2020.
Jalal H, Alarid-Escudero F. BayCANN: Streamlining Bayesian Calibration with Artificial Neural Network Metamodeling. arXiv:2010.13452v1. 2020:1-27.
Alarid-Escudero F, Krijkamp EM, Enns EA, Yang A, Hunink MGM, Pechlivanoglou P, Jalal H. Cohort state-transition models in R: A Tutorial. arXiv:200107824v2. 2020:1-31. Download R code from here
Alarid-Escudero F, Knudsen AB, Ozik J, Collier N, Kuntz KM. Characterization and valuation of uncertainty of calibrated parameters in stochastic decision models. arXiv:1906.04668. 2019.
Alarid-Escudero F, Iskandar R, Trikalinos T. Mathematical Policy Models as a Tool to Improve Decision Making in Settings when Evidence is Not Sufficient. SMDM Spring Newsletter; 2019.
Alarid-Escudero F, Decision Analysis in R for Technologies in Health (DARTH) workgroup. Health Decision Sciences in the Era of Open-source Software. SMDM Newsletter; 2016.
Angeles G, Gutiérrez JP, Alarid-Escudero F. Evaluación Externa del Programa Oportunidades 2010 en Zonas Urbanas (2002-2009): Efectos de Oportunidades en Salud y Nutrición. Mexico City: Secretaría de Desarrollo Social; 2011.
Alarid-Escudero F, Gulati R, Rutter CM. Validation of Microsimulation Models Used for Population Health Policy In: Complex Systems and Population Health. Edited by Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Kristen Hassmiller Lich, and Michael Kenneth Lemke, Oxford University Press (2020). DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190880743.003.0017.
Subcontract Principal Investigator, “Comparative Modeling of Effective Policies for Colorectal Cancer Control”’ (with Ann Zauber, PI), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (National Cancer Insti- tute prime) U01CA253913, 09/2020–08/2025.
Subcontract Principal Investigator, “Comparative Modeling to Inform Cervical Cancer Control Poli- cies” (with Jane Kim, PI), Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (National Cancer Institute prime) U01CA253912, 09/2020–08/2025.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Promoting better public policies on security and risk reduction for the imprisoned population in the context of COVID-19”, Open Society Foundation (OSF) through the Drug Policy Program, 10/2020–09/2021.
Principal Investigator, “Establishing a dynamic decision-making system in real-time on the COVID- 19 pandemic in Mexico City”, awarded by the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) COVID- 19 Decision Modeling Initiative (CDMI), 08/2020–11/2020.
Principal Investigator, “Establishing a dynamic decision-making system in real-time on the COVID- 19 pandemic in Mexico and Latin America”, Open Society Foundation (OSF), 04/2020–03/2021.
Principal Investigator, “Expanding Stanford-CIDE COSMO Modeling Framework and Methodologies for COVID-19 Epidemic Modeling across Diverse Geographies and Populations”, Stanford University, 04/2020–09/2021.
Principal Investigator, “Proposal to establish a dynamic real-time decision-making system on the COVID19 pandemic in the state of Hidalgo, Model SC-COSMO”, Secretary of Health of the Govern- ment of the State of Hidalgo, 04/2020–07/2020.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Promoting better public policies on security and risk reduction for the imprisoned population in the context of COVID-19”, Open Society Foundation (OSF) through the Drug Policy Program, CIDE, 10/2020–09/2021.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Structural changes in the dynamics of lethal violence in Mexico over time”, Drug Policy Program, 02/2020–01/2021.
Investigator, “Improve CISNET Model Transparency and Accessibility” (Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements, Parent Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Optional, with Chin Hur, PI), Columbia University (National Cancer Institute prime) PA-18-591 (supplement to U01CA199336-05), 08/2019–07/2020.
Subcontract Principal Investigator, “Microsimulation Modeling to Compare the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Nondrug Interventions to Manage Clinical Symptoms in Racially/Ethnically Diverse Persons with Dementia" (with Eric Jutkowitz, PI), National Institute On Aging of the Na- tional Institutes of Health R01AG060871, 07/2019–06/2022.
Investigator, “Comparative Modeling of Colorectal Cancer: Informing Health Policies and Prioritiz- ing Future Research”’ (with Ann Zauber, PI), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (National Cancer Institute prime) U01CA199335, 09/2015–08/2020.
Investigator, “Comparative Modeling to Inform Cervical Cancer Control Policies” (with Jane Kim, PI), Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (National Cancer Institute prime) U01CA199334, 09/2015–08/2020.
Co-Investigator, “Cost-effectiveness analysis of antiretroviral treatment initiation strategies in the presence of efavirenz resistance in HIV-positive individuals in Mexico” (with Eva Enns, PI), Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility, University of Minnesota, 08/2018–07/2019.
Co-Investigator, “Cost-effectiveness analysis of UNEMES-EC model for multidisciplinary care of pa- tients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2” (with Sandra G. Sosa Rubí, PI), CONACYT, 05/2017– 02/2020.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Cost-effectiveness of midwife-led care for low-risk pregnancies,” (with Katy B. Kozhimannil, PhD, Co-PI), California Health Care Foundation. 12/2017–12/2018.
Principal Investigator, “Extend HEEMOD to Encompass Value-Based Price (VBP) & Value of Information (VOI) Analyses,” Policy Analysis, Inc. 09/2017–12/2017.
Principal Investigator, “Cost-effectiveness of H. pylori screen-and-treat strategies for preventing gastric cancer and ulcers in Mexico,” Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota. 09/2016–05/2017.
Lidia Sarahi Peña Ruiz, “Association between breastfeeding and intelligence in school-aged girls and boys and estimation of economic benefits in adult life in Mexico.” PhD in Population Nutrition, 2022 (expected), Mexican School of Public Health.
Fernando Saldaña García, “Mathematical modeling approaches in epidemiology: within host-dynamics, control strategies and cost-effectiveness analysis.” PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2020, Center for Re- search in Mathematics (CIMAT)
Hirvin Azael Diaz Zepeda, “Covid-19 excess morality and a cost-effective analysis of different treat- ments.” Master of Science in Methods for the Analysis of Public Policies (METPOL), 2021, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE)
Diego Rodolfo Sánchez Rojas, “The effect of the Covid-19 epidemic in Mexico on labor market dy- namics and the decision to implement a policy.” Master of Science in Methods for the Analysis of Public Policies (METPOL), 2021, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE)
Gabriela Arroyo Carmona, “Remittances and the labor market: a microsimulation analysis for Mex- ico (2020-2050).” Master of Science in Methods for the Analysis of Public Policies (METPOL), 2021, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE)
Antonio Guzmán Fernández, “Municipality-level variation of Covid-19 mortality in Mexico: A Hier- archical analysis.” Master of Administration and Public Policy (MAPP), 2021, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE)
Mario Enrique Carranza Barragán, “Temporal analysis of violence in Mexico during the period 2006- 2011 based on hierarchical Bayesian models.” Master of Science in Probability and Statistics, 2021, Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT)
Daniel Alejandro Pedraza Arizmendi, “Cost-benefit analysis of the model UNEMES-EC in a period of 10 years (mid-term) and 20 years (long-term) in Mexico.” MSc Health Economics, 2019, Mexican School of Public Health
Rodolfo Larios Alvarez, “Low-risk delivery care for doctors and midwives: A cost-effectiveness analy- sis.” MPH Health Administration, 2018, Mexican School of Public Health
Caleb Easterly, “Mathematical Modeling of Human Papillomavirus: Questioning Assumptions About Sexual Behavior.” BA Applied Mathematics, 2017, Macalester College
José Luis Alcántara Zamora, “Cost-effectiveness of care of patients with diabetes mellitus in Unidades Médicas De Especialidades En Enfermedades Crónicas (UNEMES-EC).” MSc Health Economics, 2016, Mexican School of Public Health
Carlos Guerrero, “Analysis of the decisions of initiating and ceasing smoking in Mexico: a Behavioral Economics approach.” MSc Health Economics, 2014, Mexican School of Public Health
Juan Jose Herrera Patiño, “Impact of regulating the sale of antibiotics in Latin America: Interrupted time series.” MSc Health Economics, 2014, Mexican School of Public Health
darthtools: an R package that contains tools developed by the Decision Analysis in R for Technologies in Health (DARTH) workgroup to construct model-based cost-effectiveness analysis in R, R package on GitHub.
Cohort state-transition models in R: A Tutorial, GitHub repository.
A Multidimensional Array Representation of State-transition Model Dynamics. GitHub repository.
darthpack: a coding framework for model-based cost-effectiveness and decision analysis, R package and repository template on GitHub.
Hands-on model calibration in R, tutorial on GitHub
dampack: an R package for decision-analytic modeling, R package on GitHub.
mixage - A Package to estimate age mixing in heterosexual populations, R package on GitHub.
Microsimulation in R: A tutorial, GitHub repository.
heRomod - A Package for Health Economic Modeling, R package on GitHub.
2017 PhD, Health Services Research, Policy & Administration University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Area of Emphasis: Health Decision Sciences.
Advisors: Karen M. Kuntz, ScD and Eva Enns, PhD
Thesis: Statistical and mathematical modeling to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori screening and treatment strategies in Mexico in the setting of antibiotic resistance.
2009 MS, Economics
Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE)
2006 BS, Biomedical Engineering
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa (UAM-I)
Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) COVID-19 Decision Modeling Initiative (CDMI) Leader
Stanford-CIDE Coronavirus Simulation Model (SC-COSMO) Research Group Co-founding member (2020-)
Proyecto de Análisis de Decisiones en Contextos Inciertos (PADeCI) Coordinator (2020-)
Mexican National System of Researchers (SNI) Level I. Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT)
Best short course at the 2018 SMDM North American Meeting for the short course titled “Hands- on Model Calibration in R”
Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM)
Member of Special Committee on Policy for Meeting Conduct and Inclusion (2019)
Member of Membership Committee (2019-2020)
Catedrático CONACyT
Elected as a Trustee of the Society for Medical Decision Making
Collaborative Network for Value of Information (ConVOI) Co-founding member (2018-)
Academic Consortium for Research in HIV and Tuberculosis (CISIDAT) in Mexico Member (2018-)
Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health, Pi Chapter
Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling network (CISNET) Investigator colorectal cancer site (2017-)
Investigator cervical cancer site (2017-)
Graduate research assistant colorectal site (2013-2017)
Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM)
Chair of Global Health Interest Group (2017-)
SMDM Lee B. Lusted Student Prize for Outstanding Student Research (Europe)
University of Minnesota Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
University of Minnesota Best Presentation at School of Public Health’s Research Day
University of Minnesota, Health, Policy & Management Student Group Graduate-faculty student representative (2016-2017) (organizing committee)
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting Abstract Review Committee (methods section) (2016)
Decision Analysis in R for Technologies in Health (DARTH) Co-founding member (2015-)
SMDM Lee B. Lusted Student Prize in Quantitative Methods and Theoretical Developments
Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM)
Annual North American Meeting Abstract Reviewer (2015-)
SMDM Lee B. Lusted Student Prize in Quantitative Methods and Theoretical Developments 2014 18th Minnesota Health Services Research Conference Second Place Student Paper Competition
Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM)
Member of Career Development Committee (2014-2016): Co-chair of trainee activities, such as one- to-one mentoring, mentoring meet-and-greet (mix and mingle), trainee luncheon and speed mentoring
Member of Strategic Planning Committee (2014-2015)
University of Minnesota, Health, Policy & Management Student Group
Chair of logistics (2014-2015) (organizing committee)
Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM)
Member (2013-)
University of Minnesota, Health, Policy & Management Student Group
Chair of social activities (2013-2014) (organizing committee)
Division-related activities, such as: Assist with designing and implementing the PhD student online directory, meet with prospective and admitted students, answer questions from a student’s perspec- tive, assist with assigning office spaces to PhD students
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)
ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abstract Reviewer (2013)
Mexico’s CONACyT Doctoral Fellowship
Fulbright-Garcia Robles Doctoral Fellowship
University of Minnesota School of Public Health Doctoral Dean’s Scholarship
Mexico’s CONACyT Graduate Fellowship for Masters Studies
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa (UAM-I)
Founding member of the student association of biomedical engineering (2005)
¿Qué le espera el próximo año en materia de contagios por COVID-19?
El Financiero Bloomberg
Diciembre, 2020.
El Heraldo Noticias
“Profesor-investigador del CIDE, advirtió del próximo colapso en los hospitales de la Ciudad de México debido al #COVID19"
Diciembre, 2020.
Retrieved from
Imer Noticias
“Profesor-investigador del CIDE, advirtió del próximo colapso en los hospitales de la Ciudad de México debido al #COVID19"
Aunque el contacto entre personas no aumentan en las fiestas decembrinas, la capacidad hospitalaria quedará rebasada en enero, de acuerdo con modelo de simulación de la epidemia de covid-19 que coordinó Fernando Alarid-Escudero, profesor investigador del CIDE.
Diciembre, 2020.
Espinosa, F. (2020, October 31). Un sombrío hito: México supera las 100,000 muertes por Covid-19 en medio de críticas a la gestión de AMLO y con un crudo invierno en puerta. Univisión. Retrieved from
BI Noticias
Rocío Gutíerrez
“Más allá de la noticia: nuevo semáforo COVID, estadísticas y medidas sanitaria"
Octubre, 2020.
COVID-19: El gran contagio
Sociedad de Científicos Anónimos
October, 2020
CNN en Español
Aristegui, C. (2020, August 17).Los factores que los gobiernos deberían considerar para una reapertura. CNN en Español. Retrieved from
Carmen Aristegui
“Qué dicen los diversos modelos matemáticos sobre el coronavirus en México"
Mayo, 2020.
Carmen Aristegui
“Si México relaja la mitigación, tendríamos un repunte de casos de coronavirus”, dice investigador
Mayo, 2020.
Retrieved from
Pensando en México
(2020, May 7). El momento de la epidemia: Tendencias y decisiones en los días críticos. Pensando en México. Retrieved from
Ana Francisca Vega
"¿Cuándo será el pico de contagios por Covid-19 en CDMX?"
En entrevista Dr. Fernando Alarid, profesor investigador de la división de administración publica del CIDE, habló con Ana Francisca Vega para En Directo sobre el pico de contagios de Covid-19 en CDMX.
Mayo, 2020.
The Washington Post
Melesio, L. (2021, January 17). La estrategia de vacunación contra COVID-19 en México es muy lenta. El gobierno debe apresurarla. The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://www.washington
Bloomberg News
Villamil, J. & Navarro A. (2020, December 22). Mexico City Covid Outbreak Will Overwhelm Hos- pitals, Study Says. Bloomberg. Retrieved from
Nájar, A. (2020, May 29). Coronavirus en México: las dudas que genera que el país entre en "la nueva normalidad" aunque siga en su fase de más contagios y muertes. BBC. Retrieved from https://
The Washington Post
Melecio, L. (2020, May 24). Ciudad de México se ha salvado del colapso, reabrir sin pruebas puede cambiarlo todo. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
Agencia EFE
(2020, May 24). Epidemiólogos ven riesgo de repunte de COVID en "nueva normalidad" mexicana. Agencia EFE. Retrieved from repunte-covid-en-nueva-normalidad-mexicana/50000100-4254239
Minnesota Public Radio
Tong, S. (2020, May 18). U.S. automakers press Mexican partners to restart, rejoin supply chain. Market Place, Minnesota Public Radio. Retrieved from s-automakers-pressure-mexican-partners-to-restart-rejoin-industry-supply-chain/
Bloomberg News
Navarro, A. (2020, May 16). Experts Doubt Mexican Government’s Claims on Falling Curve. Bloomberg. Retrieved from pandemic-by-opening-economy-now?sref=BpddPzIk
Aljazeera News
Abdalla, J. (2020, May 13). Mexico announces ‘new normality’ in plan to reopen economyAljazeera News. Retrieved from in-plan-to-reopen-economy
The New York Times
Ajmed, A. (2020, May 8). Hidden Toll: Mexico Ignores Wave of Coronavirus Deaths in Capital. The New York Times. Retrieved from coronavirus-count.html
The Financial Times
Webber, J. (2020, May 6). The pandemic tests tempers and tolerance in Mexico. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Contreras, E.L. (2020, December 23). Demanda hospitalaria en la ZMVM aumentará tras fiestas decembrinas: proyección. Serendipia. Retrieved from hospitalaria-en-la-zmvm-aumentara-tras-fiestas-decembrinas-pro/
Mireles, O. (2020, December 23). Alerta estudio: Covid colapsará hospitales de CDMX. Reforma.Retrieved from
Mireles, O. (2020, November 19). Un sombrío hito: México supera las 100,000 muertes por covid-19 en medio de críticas a la gestión de AMLO y con un crudo invierno en puerta México. Univisión. Retrieved from
Romo, A. (2020, October 23). Estiman investigadores hasta 12 mil casos de Covid-19 en Aguascalientes sin cambios en distanciamiento social. Newsweek México. Newsweek. Retrieved from https://newsweekespan investigadores-hasta-12-mil-casos-de-covid-19-en-aguascalientes-sin-cambios-en-distanciamiento-social/
La Razón
Mora, K. (2020, October 7). Publica CIDE cuatro proyecciones de la pandemia. En el peor escenario, prevén 112 mil muertes en ZMVM. La Razón. Retrieved from escenario-preven-112-mil-muertes-zmvm-407972
Tercera Vía
(2020, October 7). Presentan nuevo modelo de proyecciones para contagios y muertes de #COVID19 en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México. Tercera Vía. Retrieved from nuevo-modelo-de-proyecciones-para-contagios-y-muertes-de-covid19-en-la-zona-metropolitana-del-valle-de-mexico/
Mireles, O. (2020, October 6). Proyectan un millón de contagios en ZMVM. Reforma. Retrieved from
Eje Central
Hernández, E. (2020, October 6). Proyectan hasta 112 mil muertes en el Valle de México. Eje Central. Retrieved from en-el-valle-de-mexico/
Sánchez, I. (2020, June 1). ¿Cuándo acabará?. Reforma. Retrieved from
El Heraldo de México
Juárez, G & Sarmiento, S. (2020, May 18). Levantar restricciones en mayo generará pico de contagios en junio: Fernando Alarid. El Heraldo de México. Retrieved from restricciones-en-mayo-generara-pico-de-contagios-en-junio-fernando-alarid-176929.html
El Universal
Méndez, O. (2020, May 9). Modelo SC-COSMO prevé cresta de dispersión el 21 de junio. El Universal. Retrieved from el-21-de-junio
Sin Línea Mx
Atarrabia, H. (2020, May 8). El libelo del New York Times. Sin Línea Mx. Retrieved from
Animal Político
Daen, A. (2020, May 5). ’Los vigilantes’: expertos en datos evalúan la forma en que Salud ha informado sobre COVID-19 en México. Animal Político. Retrieved from datos-pandemia-expertos-covid-coronavirus/
Guzmán, A. (2020, December 22). Hospitalizaciones del 2021 dependen de lo que hagamos en las fiestas decembrinas. LJA. Retrieved from dependen-de-las-fiestas-decembrinas/
El Heraldo de Aguascalientes
(2020, October 23). Se rompió el récord de decesos por día. El Heraldo de Aguascalientes. Retrieved from
Rodríguez Loera, C. (2020, October 23). Modelo SC-COSMO presentó sus proyecciones sobre Covid-19 para Aguascalientes. LJA. Retrieved from sus-proyecciones-sobre-covid-para-aguascalientes/
El Diario de Aguascalientes
Rodríguez Loera, C. (2020, October 18). Mujeres en México tardan mucho en ser diagnosticadas de cáncer de mama. El Diario de Aguascalientes. Retrieved from en-mexico-tardan-mucho-en-ser-diagnosticadas-de-cancer-de-mama/?fbclid=IwAR0bVSEb-ChhRWMDkT6c2YLZzyJke
Rodríguez Loera, C. (2020, October 19). En México se diagnostica cáncer de mama tardíamente. LJA. Retrieved from
(2020, October 6). ¿Cuál es el futuro de la zona metropolitana del valle de México ante la pandemia
de Covid-19?. LJA. Retrieved from del-valle-de-mexico-ante-la-pandemia-de-covid-19/
Rodríguez Loera, C. (2020, August 29). Bajar la velocidad de contagios de covid-19 es aún muy importante: investigadores PADeCI. LJA. Retrieved from velocidad-de-contagios-de-covid-19-es-aun-muy-importante-investigadores-padeci/
Rodríguez Loera, C. (2020, May 4). Se conforma en Aguascalientes el proyecto PADeCI con investigadores del CIDE. LJA. Retrieved from el-proyecto-padeci-con-investigadores-del-cide/
Decision Modeling for Public Health, CDC Prevention Effectiveness Fellowship Program. A 7-day virtual workshop (November)
Hands-on Model Calibration in R, 42nd Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Virtual meeting (short course)
Decision Modeling in R: A 5-day course, Virtual workshop led by The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada (July)
Advanced Decision Modeling in R: A 3-day workshop, Virtual workshop led by The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada (April)
“Accounting for Household Transmission Dynamics in Realistic Epidemic Models” (North American top-rated abstract)
◦ 42nd Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Virtual meeting, 2020
“Establishing a Dynamic Decision-Making System in Real-Time on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico City”, presented at the Panel Discussion 1: Decisional context – how to work with different types of decision makers
◦ 42nd Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Virtual meeting, 2020
Evaluation of COVID-19 mitigation strategies in Mexico City: A mathematical model-based health policy analysis
◦ International Health Institute (IHI) Global Health Conversation, Brown University, 2020 Policy Comparison of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in Mexico City Metropolitan Area: An SC-COSMO model-based analysis
◦ 1st International Forum of Applied Mathematics, Guerrero Autonomous University, Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Guerrero, Mexico, 2020
He Who Hesitates is Lost: Creation of the SC–COSMO Working Group and Modeling COVID–19 in Mexico
◦ CISNET annual meeting, Virtual Meeting, 2020 CISNET exemplar model
◦ CISNET mid-year meeting, Virtual Meeting, 2020
Addressing disparities in cervical cancer using the CISNET CERVIX Collaborative (C3) model
◦ CISNET mid-year meeting, Virtual Meeting, 2020 Deep-Bayesian Artificial Neural Network (D-BANN) Metamodel
◦ CISNET mid-year meeting, Virtual Meeting, 2020 Modeling Gastric Cancer Into The 21st Century
◦ 1st Gastric Cancer Summit at Stanford, Stanford University, CA, 2020
◦ Stanford Health Policy Seminar, Stanford University, CA, 2020
Decision analysis and simulation modeling to evaluate public policies, 1st School of Statistical Modeling for Social Sciences (EMECS), CIMAT, Aguascalientes.
Hands-on Model Calibration in R, 41st Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Portland, OR (short course)
Optimal Research Design Using Value of Information, 41st Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Portland, OR (short course)
Cost-Effectiveness and Decision Modeling using R, University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Cost-Effectiveness and Decision Modeling using R, Escuela de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
The Use of Decision Analysis in Drug Policy, Diploma in Drug Policy, Health and Human Rights 2019, Center for Research and teaching in Economics, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico (guest lecture)
Introduction to Decision Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, Mexico City, Mexico (half-day workshop)
“‘Dampack’: A Flexible R Package for Analyzing and Visualizing Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Results”
◦ 41st Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Portland, OR, 2019
“Optimizing Adjuvant Treatment for Stage II Colon Cancer: A Biomarker-based Cost- effectiveness Analysis”
◦ INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, MA, 2019
“Optimizing HIV Treatment Initiation in the Context of Resistance in Mexico”
◦ INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, MA, 2019
CISNET CERVIX Collaborative (C3) model overview
◦ CISNET annual meeting, Bethesda, MA, 2019 “Quantification and Valuation of Uncertainty of Calibrated Parameters in Decision Models”
◦ Academic seminar at the Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2019
“The recommended methods for decision making in the presence of uncertainty are not ideal. Could we do better?”
◦ CIDE’s academic seminar, 2019
“The use of high-performance computing for uncertainty quantification and value of information analysis”
INFOTEC’s weekly seminar, 2019
Hands-on Model Calibration in R, 40th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Montreal, Canada (short course) [Awarded best short course of the academic meeting]
Value of Information Analysis using Regression Metamodeling, 40th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Montreal, Canada (short course)
Cost-Effectiveness and Decision Modeling using R, University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Decision Modeling using R, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands 2018 Decision Modeling using R, Merck, North Wales, PA
Decision Modeling using R, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada (April) 2018 Decision Modeling using R, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
“Quantification and Valuation of Uncertainty of Calibrated Parameters in Decision Models”
◦ 40th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Montreal, Canada, 2018
“Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Population Screening and Treatment of Helicobacter pylori in the Setting of Antibiotic Resistance in Mexico”
◦ 40th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Montreal, Canada, 2018
“Management of Care for Low-Risk Pregnancies By Midwives Vs. Obstetricians: A Decision Analy- sis”
◦ 40th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Montreal, Canada, 2018 (poster)
“The DARTH initiative: Promoting the Use of Open-Source Software in Medical Decision Making”
◦ 17th Biennial European Conference of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Leiden, The Netherlands, June 2018
“Open-source software for building health economic models”
◦ ISPOR 2018, Baltimore, MD
CISNET Programmers Group webinar, 2018
“The DARTH initiative: Promoting the Use of Open-Source Software in Medical Decision Making,”
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2018
Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2018 [A webinar part of Northern Ireland’s ISPOR Student Chapter]
“Value of Information analysis of CRC screening strategies using the SimCRC model,”
◦ CISNET mid-year meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, 2018 “Value of Information Analysis: The why, what and how”
◦ CISNET Junior Investigators webinar, 2018
Value of Information Analysis using Regression Metamodeling, 39th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Pittsburgh, PA (short course)
Decision Modeling using R, 39th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Pittsburgh, PA (short course)
Decision Modeling using R, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada (February and October)
“Population-Level Antibiotic Treatment Policies in the Setting of Antibiotic Resistance: A Mathe- matical Model of Mass Treatment of Helicobacter pylori in Mexico”
◦ Epidemics6 - International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 2017
◦ 39th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017 (top rated abstract)
“Non-Identifiability in Model Calibration and Implications for Medical Decision Making”
◦ 39th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017
“A Hybrid Assessment to Rank Strategies in the Presence of Uncertainty”
◦ 39th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017 (poster)
“CDX2 Biomarker Testing and Adjuvant Therapy for Stage II Colon Cancer: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis”
◦ 39th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017 (poster)
“Bayesian hierarchical models to estimate the force of infection of Helicobacter pylori in Mexico: Ev- idence from a national survey”
◦ 50th Annual meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, WA, 2017 (poster) “A Mathematical model of H. pylori infection and resistance in Mexico”
◦ Doctoral Research Showcase, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2017 (poster)
“Exploring the cost-effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori screening and treating strategies in Mexico in the setting of antibiotic resistance: A modeling study”
National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2017
National Institute of Health Sciences and Nutrition "Salvador Zubirán", Mexico City, Mexico 2017
National institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City, Mexico 2017 “Calibration methods: An overview and a case study of cancer relative survival”
◦ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, 2017
◦ CISNET Junior Investigators webinar, 2017
“Characterizing uncertainty of deep model parameters of the SimCRC model,” CISNET mid-year meeting, Stanford, CA, 2017
“Comparative effectiveness of H. pylori antibiotic treatment strategies in Mexico: A simulation model approach,” University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Health Policy and Management Semi- nar Series, Minneapolis, MN, 2017
“Opportunity Cost of Non-Rigorous & Non-Transferable Research: Implications for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,” University of Minnesota School of Public Health Research Day, Minneapolis, MN, 2017
“Statistical methods to inform a dynamic transmission model of Helicobacter pylori in Mexico”
◦ Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) Massachussets General Hospital (MGH) , PCORT Seminars, Boston, MA, 2017
◦ The Center for Evidence Synthesis in Health, Brown University School of Public Health, Provi- dence, RI, 2017
“Simplifying Value of Information Analysis With A Gaussian Approximation Approach,” The Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE), University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2017 (co-presented with Hawre Jalal, PhD)
Value of Information Analysis using Regression Metamodeling, 38th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Vancouver, Canada (short course)
Decision Modeling using R, 38th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Vancouver, Canada (short course)
Introduction to R, 38th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Vancouver, Canada (pre-meeting course)
Introduction to R, Annual European Meeting of SMDM, London, UK (pre-meeting course)
Decision Modeling using R, Annual European Meeting of SMDM, London, UK (short course)
“On the opportunity cost of non-rigorous or irrelevant research: Implications for economic evaluation”
◦ 38th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Vancouver, Canada, 2016
“Bayesian prediction of prevalence of human papillomavirus in young girls in the US from aggregated data using exponentially damped polynomial models”
◦ 38th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Vancouver, Canada, 2016 (poster)
“Comparison of calibration methods for natural history simulation models”
38th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Vancouver, Canada, 2016
16th Biennial European Conference of the Society for Medical Decision Making, London, UK, June 2016 [Lee B. Lusted student award winner]
“Probabilistic sensitivity analysis: Characterizing parameter uncertainty,” CISNET annual meeting, Rockville, MD, 2016
“A graphical representation of optimal sample size by willingness-to-pay threshold: Introducing the curve of optimal sample size (COSS),” CISNET Training Component: Training the next generation of modelers, CISNET mid-year meeting, Boston, MA, 2016
Value of Information Analysis using Regression Metamodeling, 37th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, St. Louis, MO, USA (short course)
“Introducing the curve of optimal sample size (COSS): A graphical representation of optimal sample size by willingness-to-pay threshold”
◦ 37th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, St. Louis, MO,2015 (poster) [Lee B. Lusted student award winner]
“Calibration of piecewise Markov models using a Bayesian change-point analysis through an iterative convex optimization algorithm”
ISPOR 5th Latin America Conference, Santiago, Chile, 2015 (poster)
INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Nashville, TN, 2015
36th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Miami, FL, 2014 (poster) [Lee B. Lusted student award winner]
“Estimating relative survival for screen- and symptom-detected colorectal cancer patients”
◦ 19th Minnesota Health Services Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2015
Sensitivity Analysis using Linear Regression Metamodeling, 36th Annual North American Meeting of SMDM, Miami, FL, USA (short course)
“Potential bias associated with modeling the effectiveness of treatment using an overall hazard ratio”
◦ 36th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Miami, FL, 2014 (poster)
“Health care decision making in Mexico: The role of health technology assessment and economic evaluation”
◦ 36th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Miami, FL, 2014 (poster)
“Trade-offs between efficacy and cardiac toxicity of adjuvant chemotherapy in early-stage breast cancer patients: Do competing risks matter?”
18th Minnesota Health Services Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2014 [Second place student paper competition]
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2014 (poster)
“Disentangling the differences between screen & symptom detected cancers in SEER relative sur- vival,” CISNET mid-year meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2014
“Health care decision making in Mexico: The role of HTA and economic evaluation,” Toronto Health Economics and Technology Assessment Collaborative (THETA), THETA Rounds, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2014
4th Annual Masonic Cancer Center Research Symposium, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2013
“Trade-offs between efficacy and cardiac toxicity of adjuvant chemotherapy in early-stage breast can- cer patients. Do competing risks matter?”, Cancer Prevention and Control Seminar, Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2013
“Mexican migrants to the U.S.: What happens to the health insurance of families staying behind?”, Seminar on Evaluation of Health Programs and Policies, INSP/Mexican School of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, 2012
Workshop on Impact Evaluation of Population, Health and Nutrition Programs. MEASURE Evaluation, INSP, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for the Caribbean Region: Assessing the Effectiveness and Impact of HIV & AIDS Programmes 2011, Montego Bay, Jamaica
Workshop on longitudinal data analysis and program evaluation, National Institute for Educational Assessment and Evaluation (INEE), Mexico City, Mexico
“Oportunidades and urban population’s health: Trend analysis on health indicators (2002-2009)”, Seminar on Evaluation of Health Programs and Policies, INSP/Mexican School of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, 2011
“Mobile populations and prevention of HIV & STIs”, Seminar on Evaluation of Health Programs and Policies, INSP/Mexican School of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, 2009
“Registro de señales de EEG para aplicaciones de interfaz cerebro computadora (ICC) basado en potenciales evocados visuales de estado estacionario (PEVEE)”
◦ Latin-American Congress of Biomedical Engineer (CLAIB), Margarita Island, Venezuela, 2007
2020 - Fall
Decision Sciences Methods
Masters in Methods for Public Policy Analysis (METPOL) / Masters in Administration and Public Policy (MAPP)
CIDE Región Centro, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Quantitative Methods 1
Bachelors in Public Policy (LPP)
CIDE Región Centro, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Masters in Methods for Public Policy Analysis (METPOL) CIDE Región Centro, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Advanced Topics in Health Economics (co-instructor with Dr. Sosa-Rubí) Masters in Health Economics
INSP, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Mathematical Statistics II
Masters in Health Economics
INSP, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Teaching Assistant
2014 Advanced Methods in Health Decision Sciences (TA), University of Minnesota
2013 Decision Analysis for Health Care (TA), University of Minnesota
2009 Panel Econometrics and Time Series (TA), Center for the Study of Public Finances, Mexico City, Mexico
Circuito Tecnopolo Norte 117,
Col. Tecnopolo Pocitos II,
Aguascalientes, Ags 20313
Teléfono(s): +52 (449) 994-5150 ext. 5238
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