CT #01 Drug Policy in Mexico, 2006-2012: Analysis and Results of a Prohibitionist Policy

Las opiniones y datos contenidos en este documento son de la exclusiva responsabilidad de su(s) autor(es) y no representan el punto de vista del Programa de Política de Drogas.

This report aims to compile information on Mexico's drug policies during Calderón's term (2006–2012) and draw policy recommendations for the incoming government. This report's sections provide a review of available statistics, changes in the legal framework, and existing governmental programs. It also aims to provide an objective understanding of the current situation, including its existing deficiencies, lessons learned, successful policies and failures, and any opportunities for improvement. In collaboration with several researchers from the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (CIDE; Center for Research and Teaching in Economics), this report collects information from several working papers that are available on the CIDE Drug Policy Program's website.

Este cuaderno de trabajo del Programa de Política de Drogas se realizó durante el tiempo en que el programa formaba parte del CIDE como un programa interdisciplinario.

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